laiye's pandemic investigation robot to be patented for contributions against coronavirus-凯发网站

background overview
laiye stated today that they had submitted numerous new patent applications for covid-19 detection to sipo (the people's republic of china's state intellectual property office) and the accompanying pct (patent cooperation treaty) application to wipo (world intellectual property organization). the program is about an intelligent robot that can automatically comprehend what people say, respond appropriately, and carry out duties.
laiye rpa
laiye chatbot
process type
rpa intelligent visiting
new problems have emerged during the current covid-19 epidemic, such as broad-scale pandemic detection in communities, the possibility of cross-infection during in-person encounters, and so on. under these conditions, laiye collaborated with thingo to deliver a free rpa intelligent visiting robot for the longteng community on longquan street in wuhan, china. this significantly decreased the workload of the community personnel, allowing the community to conduct screening more effectively.
however, a difficulty in investigating covid-19 is the diverse range of chinese dialects since dialects pose a challenge to asr (automatic speech recognition). the robot needs to listen and comprehend different dialects to provide quality services for people that live in areas with covid-19 outbreaks all around china. to tackle this, laiye conducted around 200 outbound calls using formal language. visitor replies were collected for manual analysis, which consisted of determining if there was a translation error in their answers. common translation errors were then compiled into a dialect-specific dictionary for keyword replacement.
with this unique keyword-based dialect optimization combined with intelligent speech recognition and natural language processing, the ai-powered rpa robots could get to work. after the investigation robot understands visitor responses clearly, the assistance robot then automatically performs tasks such as obtaining an outbound resident list and sending daily emails to community personnel. while this process usually takes 3 staff members 8 hours to complete, it can now be finished in just 15 minutes. meanwhile, the information collection robot is responsible for tasks such as collecting outgoing call lists from mis, processing and screening q&a information, and writing back to the mis system; the message notification robot queries the personnel list database, interprets data, and exports outbound result. because these processes are fully automated, 1,000 calls can happen simultaneously, and so 30,000 outgoing calls can be completed in just 2 hours. now, work that usually takes ten staff members 8 hours can be completed in just one.
laiye's patented technology uses intelligent speech recognition, enabling the investigation robot to "listen clearly," and uses natural language processing to achieve semantic understanding, allowing the robot to "thoroughly understand." after clearly listening and thoroughly understanding, the robot uses its ocr and speech synthesis capabilities to automate processes such as the collection, extraction, input, and feedback of information. the robots assist in all manual work during the pandemic investigation, dramatically improving the accuracy and efficiency of the investigation and reducing the risk of infection.
during the 2020 spring festival, when china was in the early stages of pandemic prevention, laiye independently developed and designed a comprehensive ai-powered rpa solution for pandemic prevention. the robots call to inquire about the residents' health, collect information, and report the entire process. achieving end-to-end automation, investigations can be done with greater accuracy, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. the laiye solution has received positive responses from many communities in beijing, hubei, hunan, fujian, guangdong, guangxi, ningxia, and other provinces and cities.
laiye promises to continue to provide communities with free robot products and services for pandemic prevention and control.
-- guanchun wang, founder and ceo of laiye
laiye has used ai-powered rpa technology to play an active role in pandemic prevention, effectively fulfilling corporate social responsibility and achieving good social results.