laiye's ai-凯发网站

privacy policy

updated: november 2021


laiye technology (hereinafter referred to as “we” or “us”) respects and protects your privacy. when you use the products and services operated by laiye technology, we might collect, retain, use and share your personal data in accordance with this policy, and provide you with channels to update and manage your personal data. in addition to this policy, we have also explained the rules of laiye technology on personal data processing in specific products and services (hereinafter referred to as “special reminders for privacy policy”). you may review such special reminders for the privacy policy before using specific products and services.


this policy is closely related to the products and services you use. you are encouraged to carefully read and understand the entire content of this policy and make the choices you deem appropriate. we have explained the contents of this policy in plain and concise language and have marked the clauses that are significantly related to your rights and interests in bold.


we will update this privacy policy (including special reminders for privacy policy) from time to time and notify you upon each update. if you have any questions, please see the “contact us” details provided.


this policy includes the following contents:

i.     about us

ii.    how we define personal data

iii.   how we collect personal data

iv.   how we use personal data

v.    how we share personal data

vi.   how we protect and store personal data

vii.   how to exercise your rights

viii.  cookies

ix.   protection of minors

x.    contact us


i. about us

for the purpose hereof, laiye technology refers to beijing laiye technology co., ltd. and all legal entities under its control by equity or agreement, including, but not limited to, laiye technology (beijing) co., ltd., hunan laiye technology co., ltd., laiye technology (fujian) co., ltd., laiye (zhangjiagang) smart city technology co., ltd., shanghai laiye bert network technology co., ltd., laiye bert technology (shenzhen) co., ltd. and beijing xiaolai infinite technology co., ltd.


ii. how we define personal data

any data that has been used to identify individuals, or can be used to identify individuals, will be considered as personal data in laiye technology. in other words, any data that can be used to identify you directly or indirectly through reasonable inference is regarded as personal data.


laiye technology may engage management and technological tools to de-identify or anonymize your personal data, so that it cannot be used to identify a specific individual without additional information or can neither be used to identify a specific individual, nor be recovered. for the avoidance of doubt, the personal data hereunder does not include de-identified information.


iii. how we collect personal data

in the process of designing and operating our products, services and webpages, we have made efforts to minimize the scope of personal data collection, that is, we only collect personal data to the necessary extent of providing you with products, services and webpages in common circumstances. in the special reminders for privacy policy, we will explain the scope and purpose of personal data collection in specific products, services and webpages and the necessity between the two in detail.


during your use of laiye technology’s products, services and websites, we may collect your personal data from you or through other channels. other channels may include:

    1) other individuals. this usually happens when other individuals send you a product of laiye technology, invite you to participate in events of laiye technology, or share with you content released by laiye technology;

    2) partners of laiye technology. this usually happens when you purchase our products and services through our partners or participate in our forums or events through the guidance of our partners; and

    3) other channels you authorized. this usually happens when you give laiye technology an instruction, requesting laiye technology to collect your personal data from the channels you designated.

we will only collect and process your personal data in other ways in accordance with the provisions hereof with your express consent except for the following circumstances. in the following circumstances, we will perform our obligations in accordance with applicable laws and regulations without seeking for your consent.

   1) necessary for signing and performing contracts at your request;

    2) necessary to fulfill statutory obligations, such as necessary information required by relevant laws and regulations on anti-money laundering, anti-fraud, real-name management, etc.;

    3) necessary to respond to public health emergencies, or to protect individual’s life, health and property safety in an emergency;

    4) the personal data is processed to a reasonable extent for the public interest, such as cooperating in criminal investigation; maintaining national security and national defense security;

    5) the personal data has been disclosed by you, or publicly disclosed from legal channels, such as government affairs systems and media reports; and

    6) other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.


iv. how we use personal data

we may use your personal data for achieving product features and services, providing support for products and services, processing your transactions, communicating with you, complying with legal requirements, and other purposes for which you have expressly agreed. where there is a change in the purpose of personal data processing, we will immediately notify you and, on the premise of obtaining your consent again, continue to use your personal data.


we may also use your personal data in specific products, services or webpages to make automated decisions. we promise that such automated decisions are transparent, and the results are fair and equal. the decisions we make through automated decision-making will not have a significant impact on your personal rights, and we will not impose unreasonable differential treatment on you based on the results of such automated decision-making.


we will not send you laiye technology’s marketing materials through digital channels (e.g. emails and text messages) without your prior consent. the channels to subscribe and unsubscribe from laiye technology’s marketing materials will be provided to you in the product features, service options or “special reminders for privacy policy”.


v. how we protect and store personal data

we have implemented a dual protection tool combining management and technical tools (hereinafter referred to as the “information security measures”) to protect your personal data. in particular, the management measures consist of information security policy, confidentiality policy, employee’s code of conduct, information security incident plans, etc. and we have established an information security management committee to take charge of the foregoing management measures; the technical measures include ssl link encryption, vpn private networks with double protection of certificate and password that are isolated from each other according to different purposes, authority control of data center, etc. in the process of setting out information security measures, we have considered the nature, classification, and consequences of leakage for different types of personal data and have set out the respective information security measures accordingly.


at laiye technology, the retention of personal data is limited to the purpose of personal data collection and compliance with the relevant requirements of this policy and applicable laws. please note that after the collection of your personal data, we may continue to retain your personal data in accordance with laws and regulations, for the purposes such as dispute resolution, audit and inspection, assisting criminal investigation, etc. we will continue to take information security measures to protect such retention of personal data and ensure the retention period is the shortest time span as permitted by laws.


vi. how we share personal data

your personal data may be shared among affiliated companies of laiye technology (hereinafter referred to as “intra-group share”). with your prior express consent, intra-group share is limited to the following circumstances:

    1) intra-group share is necessary for providing you with products and services. certain products and services may be provided jointly by several affiliated companies under laiye technology, in order to provide you with the products and services you need;

    2) your participation in events co-hosted by several affiliated companies under laiye technology, such as forums and luck draws. your personal data will be shared among the hosted companies and

    3) intra-group share under your authorization to the extent permitted by laws and regulations. such share will be reasonable and in good faith.


meanwhile, laiye technology may share your personal data with partners or third parties designated by you.

    1) we may use technical tools to de-identify personal data collected from you. such de-identified data is unable to identify any individuals. please note, in such circumstances we have the right to use the de-identified data, as well as to analyze and commercialize the user database without disclosing your personal data.

    2) we may engage professional agencies to process your personal data on behalf of us to improve the efficiency and accuracy of data processing and reduce relevant costs. your personal data will not be transferred to such professional agencies unless we have obtained your prior consent. with your consent, we will require the professional agencies to take information security measures to protect your personal data by means such as written agreements and on-site audits, and when the principal-agent relationship is terminated, the professional agencies will return such information back to us or destroy it under our instructions; and

    3) with your prior consent, we may share your personal data with third parties. please note that the third-party services (including transaction counterparties, third-party website operators, third-party shopping platform operators, etc.) you access through us and the third parties that receive your personal data through us may have their own privacy policies. when you view a webpage operated by a third party or use an application developed by a third party, such third party may collect, retain, transfer, use or otherwise process your personal data, and such processing of personal data is neither under our control nor subject to this policy. we will make reasonable commercial efforts to request such third parties to take protective measures to protect your personal data. however, we cannot guarantee the implementation of such request by the third parties. you can contact such third parties to review their privacy policies. if you consider that it is risky to allow such third parties to process your personal data, we suggest you cease relevant operations to protect your legitimate rights and interests.


unless otherwise stipulated by law, laiye technology will not transfer any personal data collected in mainland china to other countries or regions, including hong kong special administrative region, macau special administrative region, and taiwan province.


if you are a user in hong kong special administrative region, macau special administrative region, taiwan province, or a country or region outside of china, we may transfer your personal data across borders so that you can use our products and service. we will strictly abide by the laws and regulations of relevant countries on cross-border data transfer. if the laws and regulations of the relevant countries are inconsistent with this policy, the former shall prevail.


vii. how to exercise your rights

we recognize and respect your privacy. you will be afforded this basic right regardless of the country or region you live in.


you may review, correct, supplement, delete or otherwise handle your personal data collected, stored, used, or otherwise processed by laiye technology, by reaching out to us via the contact information stated herein. please note, we will only respond to your request after verifying your identity and the information provided. this is one of our important processes for information security. at the same time, some of your requests may not be possible or restricted due to the features of our products and services. we will send you a reminder when you make such a request, so as not to affect your normal use of our products and services.


notwithstanding the foregoing, we may not be able to respond to your request in the following circumstances in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and national standards.


    1) your request is directly related to national security and national defense security;

    2) your request is directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;

    3) your request is directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and enforcement of judgments;

    4) the response to your request will cause serious damages to other individuals, companies or other legal entities; and

    5) your request involves trade secrets.


viii. cookies

cookies is a storage technology in the browser that can be operated by the server. it usually stores credentials and some user information after the user has logged in that will help to identify the user and provide services. we may track user’s behaviors by placing cookies.


if you don’t want us to use cookies, please refer to for deactivating cookies.


ix. protection of minors

we are well aware of the importance of protecting the personal data of minors and will protect the personal data of minors in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. meanwhile, we expect parents and guardians to guide and instruct minors when using our products and services.


if you are a minor, we highly recommend that you read this policy together with your parents or guardians and use our products and services or provide us with your information with the consent of your parents or guardians. we will only process your personal data with the express consent of your parents or guardians to the extent allowed by such consent and laws. if your parents or guardians do not agree to you using our products and services in accordance with this policy, or to provide us with your personal data, please immediately cease relevant use and disclosure, and promptly inform us so that we can take corresponding measures.


x. contact us

we have formed an information security management committee and designated specific officers to take charge of our data protection issues, including answering and handling your questions, requests, and complaints. if you have any further questions, requests or suggestions on our data protection policies, please contact us via .



