laiye's ai-凯发网站

rich pre-trained and out-of-box ai capabilities for ai newcomers

· handle challenging document situations such as rotation, occlusion, tilt, dense text, complex background, uneven lighting, dithering and blur.

· recognize special objects such as stamps, seals, handwriting, checkboxes, etc.

· support more than 10 common languages such as chinese (traditional and simplified), english, japanese, korean, french, etc.

· identify mixed layouts including framed, unframed tables, and text.

powerful customized ai capabilities and no code requirements allows easy creation of exclusive models according to business scenarios

· model-based and rule-based hybrid ai customization capabilities, using a small number of samples to customize the model.

· train the model using drag and drop operations to annotate element fields in documents such as invoices, receipts, orders, etc.

· classify both long text and short texts using only 20 pieces of training data per category.

· support a complete document processing workflow including data management, annotation, evaluation, launch functions while continuously optimizing the result through online training data.

long text comparison to accurately and rapidly process massive documents

· full-text content comparison of documents with different page numbers.

· support rapid positioning of differences in various locations through marking them in different colors.

· provide an intelligent intervention model to merge differences and remove redundant information such as spaces using rules of semantic information.

the intelligent document processing (idp) is a software of b/s architecture, which can be used after the server-side installation is completed. we recommend using it with the rpa creator, but you can also use the intelligent document processing independently, or invoke its ai capabilities through the open api. intelligent document processing may be deployed on-premise by installing it on the linux operating system. for specific configuration requirements and deployment methods, please contact our pre-sales consultant. when deployed on-premise, the intelligent document processing can choose to use both gpu and cpu versions. the gpu version requires gpu hardware on the server, but the performance will also be significantly better than the cpu version. when deploying on-premise, the intelligent document processing can choose to use a kubernetes (k8s) -based deployment method. in this case, at least 3 servers are required, and the operation and maintenance work will be more complicated, but high availability can be achieved.

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